Upcoming Events - Nettleham Methodist Church

Nettleham And Scothern Methodist Church
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Upcoming Events

Coffee Morning
February 10th 10:00 -12:00
Nettleham Methodist Church

Come and enjoy a relaxing coffee, cake and chat
Morning Coffee & Prayer
Scothern Methodist Church
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of a month 10:30-11:30
Come along and enjoy a time of informal chat, coffee and prayer.
We discuss problems at home or throughout the world.
People we can pray for at home.
All welcome, just turn up.

Nettleham Methodist Church

Minister & Superintendent Lincoln Circuit Rev. Richard Mottershead. Telephone: 07771 624 885 (Ricahard has said his day off will be flexible so is happy to be contacted at anytime) Email:rpm2000.sp@gmail.com
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