Christian Breakfasts - Nettleham Methodist Church

Nettleham And Scothern Methodist Church
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Christian  Breakfasts
Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.”
Now none of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?”
They knew it was the Lord. (John 21:12).

Like Jesus we invite you to come and have breakfast

The above picture is not representative of what is served at the breakfasts
Many of our men support this monthly breakfast
It is a friendly ecumenical group who meet with
Christ at our Centre
for tea/coffee, breakfast (Full English), fellowship & to listen to a Christian speaker.
All men welcome from any church or none.

When: 1st Saturday of each month
Time: 08:30 onwards
Where: The Plough, Nettleham


A friendly group of ladies who meet for sharing, chat, prayer, encouragement of each other & a short talk by a Christian speaker.
All ladies welcome from any church or none.
Lifts can be arranged
Buy your food & drink first to eat together in a reserved part of the café before moving through to the community room at 09:30.

When: 1st Saturday of each month
Time: 09:00 onwards
Where: Waitrose Community Room, Waitrose, off Nettleham Road.


Picture coming soon
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews13:2).

Nettleham Methodist Church

Minister & Superintendent Lincoln Circuit Rev. Richard Mottershead. Telephone: 07771 624 885 (Ricahard has said his day off will be flexible so is happy to be contacted at anytime)
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