Nettleham Methodist Church

Nettleham And Scothern Methodist Church
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A Church for the Villages.
Nettleham Methodist Church, NMC for short, has two buildings. One in Nettleham & one in Scothern.

Our Mission Statement

We respond to Jesus's message of God's love by living out our discipleship in worship and mission.
Please see the next page for our vision on how we achieve this.
For our safeguarding page please click here
Parking at the White Hart, in Nettleham, is no longer available to us for church use. We have been very grateful for the use of the car park. However, the new landlords have asked us not to park there as they are hoping to use it for their own customers.   Thank you for observing this request.
To go to the Lincolnshire Methodist District website please click on the logo below
To go to the National Methodist  website please click on the logo below
To go to the Lincoln Methodist Circuit website please click on the logo below
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!
For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. (Psalm 84:1 & 10)

Nettleham Methodist Church

Minister & Superintendent Lincoln Circuit Rev. Richard Mottershead. Telephone: 07771 624 885 (Ricahard has said his day off will be flexible so is happy to be contacted at anytime)
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