Booking A Room - Nettleham Methodist Church

Nettleham And Scothern Methodist Church
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Booking A Room
The large hall at Nettleham or the main hall at Scothern
can be booked if required for group meetings.
The Charge is £15:00 per hour or part there of
for either Nettleham or Scothern for one off bookings.
We might be able to arrange a discount for a group which books on a weekly basis.
Both premises are no smoking or vaping areas.
It is Church Policy that No Gambling of any sort,
including raffles, can take place on the premises.
No alcohol maybe consumed on either of the premises

To request to book the hall either at Nettleham or Scothern
please email the following address and your request will be considered.

Nettleham Methodist Church

Minister & Superintendent Lincoln Circuit Rev. Richard Mottershead. Telephone: 07771 624 885 (Ricahard has said his day off will be flexible so is happy to be contacted at anytime)
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